DuPont Glean DF 200g

#205532 in stock at Hamilton

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Product Description

A selective herbicide for the control of a wide range of broad leaf weeds in wheat, barley and oats. Best applied at the two leaf stage of the crop when broadleaf weeds are just emerging. Has a residual action that will control further weed strikes until the crop rows close over. Glean® can be mixed with a range of products to broaden its control of hard to kill weeds such as speadwells, field pansy, and black nightshade.


  • Low use rate - 20g per hectare or 15g per hectare when used in a mixture with another herbicide
  • Non-hormone, non-volatile and rainfast after 1 hour
  • Broad weed spectrum control. Can be mixed with other herbicides to control hard to kill weeds such as Field pansy, Speedwells and Black nightshade. Also compatible with a range of fungicides and insecticides
  • Can be applied early from the 2 leaf stage of the crop


  • Cost effective control of major broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley and oats
  • Early application removes weeds before they can compete with your crop for moisture and nutrients
  • Easy to use and handle
Safety Data Sheet

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