Gallagher Energizer WiFi Gateway

#261686 in stock at Hamilton

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Product Description

Fence performance in your pocket. Connect the i Series WiFi Gateway to your existing Gallagher i Series Energizer, install the Dashboard - Fence app and subscribe to Gallaghers new service to bring your fence to life.


  • The Wifi Gateway will connect to the port on the back of the I Series Energizer. The controller is then connected directly to the Wfi Gateway
  • Before installing the WiFi Gateway the farmer needs to ensure that there is WiFi network coverage at the install location of the i Series Energizer. If the installation is in a remote location consider a WiFi Mobile hotspot as a connectivity solution.
  • The total monthly data required will vary depending on the polling interval set for the fence monitors. If left at the default 3 hour interval the data usage should be less than 500MB per month.
  • If increased to the minimal interval of 1 minute the usage will likely be closes to 2GB per month.


  • View fence performance remotely
  • Economical to use.