Presco Concrete Water Trough Oblong 1800L (T180H)

#242893 in stock at Hamilton

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Product Description

The huge 1800 Litre T180H water trough provides extra storage capacity in the field. This reduces 'heavy demand' spikes from your water supply system, and ensures maximum protection from your dairy herd. Its higher sides prevent larger animals from stepping into the trough, reducing valve damage and water contamination. 3200mm long x 1300mm wide x 650mm high.


  • High sides
  • Large 1800 litre capacity
  • Central inlet location
  • 40MPA concrete
  • Triple fibre reinforced
  • Non-toxic moulding process


  • Reduces animal damage in trough
  • Increases water storage reserve in the field
  • Allows for 'through fence' positioning and full 360 degree feeding access
  • Above average strength and durability means less chance of damage during the placement for longer life
  • Prevents health issues associated with petroleum based mould release agents