Storm Secure Rat Bait 500g

#204944 in stock at Hamilton

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Product Description

Ready-to-use bait that controls rats and mice in a single dose.


  • Controls rats and mice resistant to warfarin
  • Contains a bittering agent to prevent accidental swallowing by non-pests
  • Weather-resistant pressed wax block lasts for months
  • Proven over 30 years under New Zealand conditions


  • No pre-baiting required - rodents go straight for it
  • Attractive crushed grain food base that rodents can’t resist
  • Baits have a central hole for easy placement
Safety Data Sheet

Safety data sheets provide important information about your hazardous substances. It is mandatory to have a current safety data sheet for each of the hazardous substances in your workplace regardless of the quantity you hold. Please download the Safety Data Sheet using the link below.

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