
Greener Choice

Long term value for our Co-op relies on us all making sustainable choices every day.

We’ve been working with our vendors to identify products that have a lower environmental impact and/or support farmers to be more sustainable on farm and we’ve called them our 'Greener Choice' range.

Just another way we’re keeping ourselves, our farmers and our vendors heading in the right direction.

Simply purchase any of the Greener Choice products below and you’ll earn double the base earn of Farm Source Reward Dollars – just for making a greener choice. On top of this, Bonus Farm Source Reward Dollars will be offered on select Greener Choice products during seasonal promotions and will be available to Fonterra farmers only, as an exclusive benefit of being part of the Co-op.

Learn more about the Greener Choices programme.

Can't find it online? Visit us in store to see our whole range.